Text Neck Solutions

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Text Neck Solutions

It might sound silly, but text neck has become a real thing in our culture of smart phones, iPads, and laptops. People spend countless hours a day looking down or hunched forward—working, learning, searching, online dating, and the list goes on. 

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Raw Food Challenge


Raw Food Challenge

If you’re anything like me you may have made good friends with Haagen Dazs over the last few months, ate everything in site at a BBQ(s) or feasted at a wedding or 6 this summer!  If you’re feeling sluggish or like your body needs a little tune up I may have a solution for you.


Find Your Formula


Find Your Formula

One of the things people ask me all the time is, “I really need to get in shape, WHAT DO I DO????”. I get so excited and there are many things, so many options, so much fun.  There really isn’t one answer to this question, it’s a custom made journey each person has to explore.
